The General Travel Regulations of the Frachtschiff-Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH
Since primeval times cargo ships are genuine working ships on which the passenger experiences seafaring unvarnishedly and closely. A voyage on a cargo ship may be peaceful, but in the broader sense of the word as well “adventurous”.
At arrival on board, the captain and the crew will welcome you and soon explain the life on board. On these ships the crew and the passengers adapt themselves to the special conditions.
1) Booking and confirmation of the booking
generally will take place via the Frachtschiff-Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH. As a special intermediary agency we are authorized by the shipping company to offer these voyages and to execute the winding up until embarking on behalf of the shipping company. By the booking the passenger recognizes the shipping company's shipment conditions. You will receive your booking confirmation on receipt of the enrolment / booking together with further information. Freighter trips are no package tours.
2) Arrival and departure
The costs for arrival and departure are not included in the fare. Stay in contact with us by phone during the last days before the departure so that we may be able to announce you the respective current embarkation time. The closer the date of departure the more exact will the information be. Therefore we suggest to book hotels, seat reservations etc. if possible only shortly before departure. Even if you see the ship at its moorings, please do not go on board earlier than indicated by us since in general the ship's operation will be disturbed. Certainly it is not your intention to start your voyage with a discord.
Sailing of the vessel will not take place immediately after your boarding. Time for cargo procedures are not well appreciable and may use longer then calculated. Cargo procedures are a basic part of a freighter trip.
3) Accomodation & leisure time facilities
Only few cargo ships dispose of special installations and built-in facilities. Anyway, this way of travelling has only become possible again because the installations that have been designed and installed for seamen are shared with the passengers. This is valid as well for the various cabins as for the leisure installations.
The accomodation takes place in individual, twin exterior cabins that as a rule are equipped with own shower /WC. You will find the cabin descriptions in the brochure. So that you are able to sleep well at any weather, the width of the beds (“bunks”) on board of cargo ships in general uses to be smaller than that of the beds on land. Maritime twin bunks may show a width of 120 - 160 cms according to ship and cabin. Please, ask us which dimensions are valid for the ship chosen by you. The entry of the bridge may be restricted. The leisure time facilities like e.g. video/TV, sauna, fitness room, swimming pool on board are shared by passengers if the ship's operation allows it.
4) Food
on cargo ships is nourishing and generous. On German ships up to 3 times daily warm food is offered. On some smaller ships a kind of self service additionally to the meals is usual.
Because of shortage of space the meals will sometimes be served at different times. Supplies, also fresh food will be replenished periodically. Therefore, sailed route and the duration of the voyage may influence the cook's menu. Passengers and crew will get the same food. On some smaller ships easy-care table-cloths and cups without saucers are usual used in the mess. Experiencing seafaring very closely means experiencing it unvarnished; but don't worry, in most of the cases you will have a pleasant time, nevertheless. You will dine together with the captain and the officers in the officer's mess. On board of the ships you will be able to buy beverages and tobacco. You won't be able to purchase alcoholic drinks on all ships.
5) Books
Take enough books with you on your voyage if you like reading. We also recommend to take with you an allwave receiver and/or CD/MC player.
6) Laundry
Almost all ships are equipped with a washing machine . At any case there is the possibility to wash your things or have them washed.
7) "Clear the decks"
Though on big ships the cleaning of the cabin is often done by the steward, it is not included in the contract. Normally, the passengers are obliged to clean their cabins by themselves. If only a short stay in the harbour / lock is provided for and new passengers shall occupy your cabin, we ask you to clear the cabin in such a good time that a member of the crew will be able to prepare the cabin for the new arriving passengers. Thank you.
8) Luggage, Private Cars, Animals
The fare includes 125 kgs or 0.5 cubic metres per person. Such freight like cars, household appliances etc. will not be handled by us or by the shipping company, but separately by shipping forwarding agencies. The passenger himself will have to coordinate his goods to be transported on the booked ship.
Unfortunately, the strict port -and quarantine regulations do not allow passengers to take animals with them.
9) Trips ashore
It is possible that port authorities do not allow shore leaving in some ports or loading places. It is also possible that a vessel has to load or discharge on the roads (outside the port) and shore leave is not possible or not free of charge.
But in most ports shore leaving is possible.
Trips ashore will have to be organized by the passengers themselves. Our recommendation: Provide a guidebook / information material before beginning of the passage The ship's management will willingly give you pieces of advice - so far as they do know the respective conditions. Always coordinate your dates well with the ship's management before your trip on land and return on the ship on time. Please remember that otherwise the ship will continue its voyage without you and that than you will possibly have to bear considerable additional travelling expenses.
In case of embarkation and trips ashore a handy might be very useful. The arrival and the departure of the vessel may take place at any time of the day, daytime as well as nighttime. In most habours the possibility of shore leave is given.
10) Lay days in the harbours
depend on the shipment requirements and information about ft is not binding. They vary between some hours and some days and vary from voyage to voyage.
Repetitional calling of port of sailing, port of destination or ports of call during a booked periode may happen.
11) Planning of the voyage
Of course, on cargo ships the shipment of made known at short - term and of the voyage. The shipping company being the organizer and the Frachtschiff - Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH being the agent are not liable for consequential expenses possibly incurred by the passenger resulting from coming too early, coming too late or shortfalls.
The agent will be liable within the scope of the diligence of a prudent businessman for his conscientious shipment preparation, the careful selection of the shipping companies as well as the correctness of the description of the shipment services given in the catalogues according to the shipping company's indications at the moment of printing. The liability for additional compensations will be limited to damages caused wilfully or by negligence. We do not assume responsibility for performance of transport. A respective liability will be regulated in this case according to the Transport regulations of the shipping companies on which your attention will expressively be pointed at and which on request will be made accessible to you.
12) Visa, -passport and vaccination regulations
voyage papers as well as for compliance with the vaccination regulations. The consulates will give binding information with regard to visa and passport regulations for the chosen passage area. The local boards of health will inform you with regard to valid or new vaccination regulations.
Additionally, in some harbours there will be valid vaccination regulations being different for the passengers of the cargo ships and the crews. Please, observe our respective information on the leaflets.
13) Health & insurances
On cargo ships accommodating up to 12 passengers there will be no medical doctor on board. It is strongly necessary that the passengers dispose of a sufficient physical condition and a standard ability walk. Therefore, the customer binds himself to inform the agent - already before start of shipment - about existing health handicaps. We draw your attention to the fact that the carriers reserve the right to refuse customers that are not fit to make a sea voyage on a cargo ship. Age limits are 6 / 75-79 years with exceptions depending on the seasons, travel routes, shipping company etc.
In general the Carrier has the right to ask the passenger to present an adequate health certificate four weeks before departure to confirm that the passenger is able to travel on a cargo ship as there is no doctor on board and that he does not show a walking impediment (in case of doubt please ask your family doctorbefore booking). Some carriers ask for an adequate health certificate for passengers from 75 years onwards in general additionally with the booking. In most cases the carriers ask for for an adequate health certificate for passengers from 65 years of age and older
For protection of the passenger's security we strongly recommend the timely conclusion of a personal accident insurance and a foreign health insurance with a transportation home in case of sickness. We additionally recommend the conclusion of a cancelling- and an indemnity insurance.
14) Prices and payment
All prices are valid per person according to the printed information. We draw your attention to the fact that the carrier (the shipping company) will be authorized to adjust the offered and by means of booking confirmed prices in case of the increase of the shipment costs or of charges for certain services (like harbour charges) to the extent in which its increase per person will be effective on the shipment price if between the conclusion of the contract and the agreed travelling date will have passed more than four month.
Day of embarkation and day of disembarkation: each counts as a full day for the calculation of the cabin price.
The prices contain full board, a cabin place with bedding and towels as well transportation by ship. Only if the booking is confirmed by us in writing, the advance payment amounting to 25% of the passage price will become due. We ask you to pay the remaining payment without being asked until four weeks before start of the voyage at the latest.
15) Charges with regard to transfer of entries
In case of transfer of an entry we charge a handling fee of € 50.- per person.
16) Cancellation
The client is at any time authorized to withdraw from the booked voyage. In this case, the passenger has got the possibility to find an appropriate substitute being acceptable for the shipping company/forwarder. The cancellation shall take place via the Frachtschiff - Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH. A written form is recommended. Decisive for the calculation is the stamp of the Frachtschiff -Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH showing the arrival of the mail (on workdays until 2 p.m. o'clock) and the planned departure date being valid at that time.
If the passenger withdraws from the agent contract or if the passenger does not start his voyage, then the agent, additionally the carrier - will be authorized to charge compensation for his performed arrangements and expenses. The agent's claim for damages is a lumpsum under consideration of the usually saved expenses and amounts to € 50.-. The passenger has the right to provide evidence that the actual expenses are not accumulated or lower then € 50,-.The amount of the carrier's compensation claim please learn from these shipment conditions which we will sent to you on request. We always recommend to conclude a cancellation insurance!
17) Liability
The Frachtschiff - Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH acts towards the shipping companies and the travellers as an independent agent and is not liable for damages resulting from acts and failures of the Transport company and other performing carriers.
We stress that the carrier is authorized to perform amendments or deviations with regard to single shipment services from the agreed shipment contract that become necessary after conclusion of the contract and that have to be performed against good faith so far as such amendments or deviations will not be considerable ones and will not be detrimental to the totality of booked shipment. Such amendments or deviations will be in particular changes of routes, omitting or additional calling at certain harbours.
18) Place of jurisdiction
The jurisdiction place for merchants who have been entered in the commercial register, for persons not having a general jurisdiction place in Germany and for persons having transferred their residence or their habitual residence outside Germany or whose residence or habitual residence is not known at the moment of commencement of an action, will be Flensburg in Germany.
19) Invalidity of individual provisions
If out of a reason one of the provisions of this contract should become inapplicable or ineffective, the remaining provisions will remain valid.
As per 1.11.05
In addition to the Terms and Conditions of the Frachtschiff-Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH the shipping company's (carriers) shipment conditions / terms & conditions are effective.
On request we will send these for the selected voyage before booking.
Kapitän Zylmann GmbH
Mühlenstraße 2
24376 Kappeln
+49 (0) 46 42 - 96 55 - 0 | |
+49 (0) 46 42 - 96 55 - 23 |
info(at) | | |
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