
Kapitän Zylmann GmbH


Kapitän Zylmann GmbH


Kapitän Zylmann GmbH

Booking a passage

Please don't book without an option!
Please contact us before sending this confirmation. We will check if your preferred travel date and cabin is available and provide you with a personal option number. Otherwise you have no guarantee that your preferred journey is available.

Please note that all spaces marked with "*" must be filled in.The Frachtschiff-Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH mediates between the shipping companies and the passengers. The general business conditions of Frachtschiff-Touristik Kapitän Zylmann GmbH and the transport contracts of the shipping companies apply. These conditions are known to me and I have acknowledged them.

Kapitän Zylmann GmbH

Mühlenstraße 2
24376 Kappeln

+49 (0) 46 42 - 96 55 - 0
+49 (0) 46 42 - 67 67